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Date & time Event name Event nature information
No up coming events.
13 Nov, 2017 uReply Basics In this workshop, we will provide hands-on experience for teachers to learn how to use uReply and explore together how it could be used to facilitate various types of teaching and learning activities in the classroom.
13 Oct, 2017 uReply new features hands-on It is our pleasure to provide workshop participants hands-on experience of the uReply new features for September 2017 and listen to feedback and advice.

Past activities

Date & time Event name Event nature information
13 Oct, 2017 uReply new features hands-on It is our pleasure to provide workshop participants hands-on experience of the uReply new features for September 2017 and listen to feedback and advice.
12 May, 2017 Innovative Classroom Interactions in the Mobile Era - uReply User Forum 2017 The uReply user forum is an occasion for teacher users to share innovative and effective teaching and learning strategies using the technology.
12 May, 2016 Mobile Era Classroom Interactions (Student Response System) Theme 1: Peer learning with mobile technology in classroom
Theme 2: Enriching teacher-student interactions with mobile technology in classroom
8 January, 2016 uReply clicker system for collecting student feedback and promoting interaction in class Effective use of technology to promote active & collaborative learning & teaching – PolyU  
8 December, 2015 Introduction to uReply Delegation from Central China Normal University (華中師範大學)  
6 August, 2015 Introduction to uReply Engaging Students with Clickers
7 May, 2015 Introduction to uReply 香港中文大學教育學院 – 高等教育研討會 – 大中華地區未來的大學 – 誇界與創新
9 January, 2015 Introduction to uReply Learning space interest group  
15 December, 2014 Teaching and Learning Innovation Expo 2014
Poster 31 - Mobile Learning @ CUHK in 2014
Poster 32- Coming Attractions: Mobile Learning Tools for 2015
Posters presentation, Teaching and Learning Innovation Expo 2014, CUHK
8 December, 2014 Introduction to uReply Meeting with Bank of China (HK)  
5 December, 2014 uReply, School visit Visit and sharing with Our Lady of the Rosary College   
4 December, 2014 uReply brief introduction Visit Cumberland Presbyterian Church Yao Dao Primary School (金巴崙長老會耀道小學)  
3 December, 2014 uReply, School visit Visit and sharing with CCC Mong Wong Far Yok Memorial Primary School
December, 2014 Introduction to uReply - uReply is coming to PolyU Issue DEC2014-JAN2015 Clickers@PolyU, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University  
12 November, 2014 Learning through the CLOUD Invited talk, Regional Conference on New Frontier of Learning: Education 4.0., Chulalongkorn University
1 - 9 November, 2014 uReply: Interactive Mobile Learning Exhibition Booth F09 (CUHK), InnoCarnival 2014, Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks  
30 October, 2014 Using Classroom Response System to Enhance Learning Workshop, Centre for Learning, Teaching and Technology, The Hong Kong Institute of Education
17 September, 2014 Gamification of Clickers with BYOD Online workshop, eAssessment Scotland and Transforming Assessment online conference 2014
4 Aug, 2014   Introduction to uReply Invited sharing in Click Project, Polytechnic University
23 July, 2014 Introduction to uReply Invited sharing with HKEdCity
7-10, July, 2014 uReply – interactive classroom Exhibition in conference, HERDSA 2014, HKBU
2:00 pm – 3:00 pm,
28 May, 2014
Education Taking Advantage of the BYOD Era Keynote speech,5th International m-Library Conference 2014, CUHK
13-16, Apr, 2014 uReply – interactive classroom Exhibition in conference, International ICT EXPO, invitation by CINTEC
10 Apr, 2014   Introduction to uReply Invited talk in Good Hope School (Secondary)
4 Apr, 2014   Introduction to uReply Invited talk in joint-school teaching and learning sharing event, C.C.C. Kei Faat Primary School (Yau Tong)
21 Feb, 2014 Introduction to uReply Invited talk in Business
7 Feb, 2014   Introduction to uReply Invited talk at Ling Liang Church E Wun Secondary School, Tung Chung
7th Feb, 2014 Introduction to uReply Invited talk in ELTU, CUHK
10 Jan, 2014   Introduction to uReply Invited second talk at St Bonaventure College and High School, organized by Joint School Information Technology Association
10 Dec, 2013 Using uReply in conference CUHK 50-50 Family business conference
28 Nov, 2013 Introduction to uReply Invited sharing in 佛山科学技术学院附属学校(南庄三中), Guangzhou, China
26 Oct, 2013   Introduction to uReply Invited first talk at St Bonaventure College and High School, organized by Joint School Information Technology Association
12 Oct, 2013 Introduction to uReply uReply for UG info Day (Biomedical Science)
2-3 October 2013 Preparing the Campus for Mobile Learning in the BYOD Era Talk in conference, MobiLearnAsia, Singapore
7 Aug, 2013 Introduction to uReply Invited talk in BioMedical Science, CUHK
19 July, 2013   Introduction to uReply Invited talk at CUHKFAA Chan Chun Ha Secondary School
1:30pm – 2:30pm,
30 May, 2013
Opening panel discussion: New Learning Environments: Changed Practices in Higher Education Invited panel discussion in conference, CITERS 2013, HKU
9:00am – 3:00pm,
16 Apr, 2013
uReply briefing and training Invited talk in MIT, PWH, CUHK
11:00am – 1:00pm,
21 Jan, 2013
uReply briefing Invited sharing in  PWH, HKHA
14 Jan, 2013 Introduction to uReply Invited talk in BioMedical Science, CUHK
2:00pm – 3:00pm,
10 Dec, 2012
Introduction to uReply Invited talk in UGE, CUHK
11:00am – 12:30pm,
16 Nov, 2012  
Introduction to uReply Invited talk in School of Nursing, CUHK
21 Sept, 2012 uReply brief introduction Media interview, SCMP
17 Sept, 2012 uReply brief introduction Media interview, Next Media
Past activities last update: 5 Oct, 2016

Regular workshops in which uReply had a part

Dates Title
12 Nov, 2015
Teaching and Learning Opportunities on Mobile Devices
3 Mar, 2015, 15 Oct, 2014, 27 Mar, 2014,
7 Nov, 2013, 30 Jan, 2013
Teaching and Learning Opportunities on Mobile Devices in the Classroom
10 Mar,2015, 31 Oct, 2014, 3 Apr, 2014,
14 Nov, 2013, 26 Mar, 2013
Teaching and Learning Opportunities on Mobile Devices outside Classroom
1 Nov, 2012 Using technology wisely: New T & L opportunities on mobile devices

uReply message list

Date Title
6 Feb, 2017 uReply - Happy CNY link
19 Oct, 2016 uReply - newsletter link
16 Aug, 2016 uReply - New uReply features for new semester link
4 Feb, 2016 uReply - newsletter link
27 Aug, 2015 uReply - Engage students in learning - uReply version 4 link
17 Feb, 2015 uReply wishes you Happy CNY! link
25 Aug, 2014 new look, new features, new semester - uReply version 3 link
9 Jan, 2014 Happy new year and uReply updates link
16 Sept, 2013 uReply updates link
29 Aug, 2013 uReply updates version 2 link
Nov, 2013 eLearning newsletter link
Nov, 2012 eLearning newsletter link

uReply history

Version Date Changes
5.0.2 Aug, 2017
  1. The uReply GO (beta) is a new module in the uReply family. Other than collecting students response in the classroom, the tool allows collecting responses in a particular location
  2. uReply Question bank sharing is now supported
  3. Student CWEM login is available in the Multi-item
  4. Homework allows you to turn a quiz in your question bank into homework exercises
  5. Improved "Raw by People" report in Basic Q&A
  6. Raw report is available in Activity report
  7. Minor improvements and bug fixes
5.0.1 Feb, 2017
  1. student CWEM login is available in the basic Q&A
5.0 Aug, 2016
  1. uReply Share (http://teachershare.ureply.mobi) is a new platform in the uReply family. Other than collecting students’ textual comments, the tool facilitates further enriched interactions through sharing of photos and videos.
  2. uReply Share App is launched for iOS. (Android version will be available soon)
  3. Activity tool enables teachers to run more complicated activities/ games in the class other than basic Q&A. Two new activity types are added:
    • Peer review
    • Peer instruction
  4. Reporting of uReply Activities: a major enhancement of the Activity tools in uReply is by allowing teachers to check and download the students performance in each of the activities run.
  5. Improved report page and redesigned Raw Data (CSV) reports:
    • CSV reports are renamed as “Raw” reports. "Raw by people” reports have a new column calculating auto-scores (in basic but not Multi-item) provided that the questions asked have pre-configured correct answers.
    • A new type of Participation report is available for revealing class participations through analyzing individual students’ participation in every question.
  6. Course-based uReply with Login support (CWEM) has been launched for Faculty of Medicine.
  7. Institutional reporting platform is made available for system administrator
  8. Server optimization
  9. Other minor improvements
4.1 Jan, 2016
  1. Bug fixes on Multi-Item and Activity Mode
  2. Added audio effect on the count-down timer
4.0 Aug, 2015
  1. Bugs fixes
  2. Multi-item is a major enhancement of the basic uReply by allowing students to work on multi-item quizzes in class.
  3. The Activity (Beta) tool enables teachers to run more complicated activities/ games in the class other than basic Q&A.
    • Level Challenge
    • Speed Challenge
    • Group Competition
    • Pick or Random
    • Hand-raising
  4. Improved timer: Start count-down any time with enhanced effect.
  5. Provision of raw data summary report for Multi-item in .CSV format (editable in EXCEL)
  6. Other minor improvements
3.4 17 Feb, 2015
  1. uReply operates in multiple languages now
3.3 29 Oct, 2014
  1. Traditional Chinese and Simplified Chinese user interface for teachers and students
  2. Last question loss in report due to premature session closure is now recoverable
3.2 24 Oct, 2014
  1. Bug fixes
  2. Speed improvement
3.1 7 Oct, 2014
  1. A minor update: network jam may cause duplications of student responses in the uReply database (causing problem such as response number higher than actual student number); an update has just been launched to cross-check and delete duplications in inputs.
3.0 Aug, 2014
  1. Bugs fixes
  2. New user interface: bigger display areas thus greater visual impact.
  3. 4 more question types and so six in total:
    1. MC
    2. Text
    3. Fill-in-the-blanks
    4. Likert-scale
    5. Value
    6. Direct message
  4. Reports can be deleted by users
  5. Touch-friendly interface and thus teacher may use the tool even on a mobile device.
  6. Clearer user help and guide in PDF and video formats
  7. The auto-refresh rate can be adjustable for teachers who can tolerate slightly longer refresh time to avoid blinking screen.
  8. New uReply engine for faster system responses
  9. Students' responses in Fill-in-the-blanks questions can be represented in Word Clouds - for quick overview of main ideas
  10. Student apps (iOS and Android) updated to accommodate new functions
  11. Other minor improvements
2.2 Jan, 2014
  1. Report type CSV2 added (CSV2 arranges the records by students).
2.1 Sept, 2013
  1. Addition of html student reports
  2. Students' responses in text questions can be represented in Word Clouds - for quick overview of main ideas
2.0 July, 2013
  1. Bugs fixes
  2. Function to redo question, both results are compared
  3. Text reply order changed - newest on top
  4. Allow teachers to reuse previous session number
  5. uReply app fixed (crash in iOS5)
  6. End session button relocated
  7. Teacher interface updated
  8. Question Bank (create quizzes)
    1. Preset questions in advance
    2. Set correct answer
    3. Enable formatting and re-editing
    4. Set order in a quiz
    5. Copy question in QB
  9. Show correct answer on teacher screen
  10. Show explanation on teacher screen
1.2 Mar, 2013
  1. Provision of raw data summary report in .CSV format (editable in EXCEL)
  2. Default number of choices of MC type question is changed to 4 (instead of 2)
  3. The latest submission of text-based answers are displayed at the top of the list rather than at the bottom
1.1 Dec, 2012
  1. TIMER function
1.0 Aug, 2012
  1. First release

Last update: 2017-10-24 09:26:00
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