Mobile Era Classroom Interactions (Student Response System)
Theme 1:Peer learning with mobile technology in classroom
Theme 2: Enriching teacher-student interactions with mobile technology in classroom
Interviews of the participants |
 Dr. Frankie Wong CUHK |
 Dr. Fred Ku CUHK |
 Dr. Rebecca Lee CUHK |
 Dr. Kevin Chan PolyU |
 Dr. Fridolin Ting PolyU |
 Dr. Sudeep GHOSH PolyU |
 Ms. Valentina Chan PolyU |
 Miss Wing Yan Chan 金巴崙長老會耀道小學 |
 Ms Sin Yi Cheung 金巴崙長老會耀道小學
 Miss Yu Ki Wong 金巴崙長老會耀道小學 |
Organizers: |
Centre for Learning Enhancement And Research, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Centre of eLearning Innovation and Technology, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Clickers@PolyU, Department of Applied Social Sciences, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Description: |
With the advancement of mobile technology, we see many new possibilities that technology can be employed to enhance teaching and learning. For example, mobile learning is possible now anywhere and anytime because students often have their smartphones, eBook readers, tablet computers or notebook computers by their side, making them always connected to the internet – even inside classrooms.
The workshop series would like to focus on teaching and learning in the classroom. There will be two sessions, the first one has the theme ‘Peer learning with mobile technology in classroom’ while the second one is about ‘Enriching teacher-student interactions with mobile technology in classroom’.
University as well as school teachers who have good strategies to share will be invited to explain what they have implemented in their classes together with the outcomes. The workshop series will serve two purposes: 1) explore good pedagogy and technology that promote teaching and learning in the classroom, and 2) open up a window for university and school teachers to share good practices as we think we all will benefit a great deal from understanding the issue in a bigger context.
該次的研討將著重於課堂上的學習與教學。研討會分為兩個部分:上半部主題為「流動科技與同儕學習 」,而下半部分的主題為「 配合流動科技促進課堂互動」。
我們邀請到大專院校以及前線教師,分享他們在課堂上運用智能裝置教學的實踐經驗及對策。該系列研討會有兩個目的: (1) 探索良好的教學方法和應用科技,促進課堂內的學與教以及 (2) 藉此開拓一個供院校和教師分享實踐經驗的平台,令大家在該議題上有所裨益。
Language: |
English (with a 15 minutes talk in Cantonese in each theme)
Date: |
12 May 2016 (Thursday)
Time: |
Theme 1: Peer learning with mobile technology in classroom (9:00am – 11:00am)
Theme 2: Enriching teacher-student interactions with mobile technology in classroom
(11:00am – 1:00pm)
Venue: |
2/F, Yasumoto International Academic Park, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (Campus Map)
Programme and Details: |
Please click here for more information on each theme. |
For download: |
Please click here for downloading the presentation powerpoint files of the talks.
Last update: 23 Sept., 2016