Dear teachers,

Thank you! The number of student visits to uReply was over 7000 and total page views reached 26000 in the first two weeks of the semester. The usage is more than two times compared to even the best time last year! Please continue to give us your support.

New functions

We would like to introduce to you two new functions in our most recent uReply upgrade released last week (from version 2 to 2.1).

Word cloud: Reading student responses to text questions can be quite time-consuming particularly if you are under the stress of the time constraints in a class. It is exactly why a word cloud representation of students’ response can be helpful. Just a click of the ‘Word Cloud’ button (visible after ending a text question),

The occurrence of the words in students' replies is instantly analyzed and put into a neat graphical representation like the one below. The word cloud representations can be a quick method for teachers to get an overview of what have been commonly mentioned in students’ responses – the bigger the words, the more often these words have been mentioned by students.

Reports in html format: uReply activity reports now come in one more format – html format that can be opened in common web browsers. Compared to pdf reports, reports in this format have the advantage that they usually require less installation of specific font packages and so open more quickly.

Best regards,

Kevin Wong
Centre for Learning Enhancement And Research

Paul Lam
Centre for Learning Enhancement And Research

mLearning@CUHK project